A Course in Miracles Made Easy Audiobook Review

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At that place were so many quotes in this book that I loved. Here's 1 of my favorites:
"You thought you lot were hither to go stuff, prove yourself, and find people to love yous. Instead you are hither to get peace, be yourself, and find people to dear. You idea yous were here to prepare the earth. Instead you are here to appreciate what is earlier you and see the earth through new eyes. You idea you were here to teach, while y'all are here to learn. Ultimately teaching and learning
are one. Yous cannot teach without learning and you cannot larn without education. When you lot teach but love, you learn only love. So you graduate from the school of illusion and take the diploma of inner peace, the existent degree nosotros are all here to attain."

Explains the book ... it has a lot of good quotes on information technology

The guy who narrates the audiobook talks veeerrrry slowly, but is advisable to the importance of the concepts here. A great intro to ACIM.
I've heard a lot well-nigh A Course In Miracles for many years and have ever been curious. It is a formidable book requiring at to the lowest degree a year of study. This book hardly makes it piece of cake, but easier for sure. There are plenty of spiritual principles, and I hope to swoop more into them some day. Basically choose love over fearfulness every time and you come out okay.The guy who narrates the audiobook talks veeerrrry slowly, just is appropriate to the importance of the concepts hither. A nifty intro to ACIM.
...more than
Read as function of my ACIM journey and study, recommend reading alongside the original text and workbook - a truly worthwhile and involving book.

When I saw this book, it sounded perfect. And it was. It's a volume that you tin can read one tiny section at a time if y'all desire to. (Not all books work for that.) I read a section or two earlier bed each night, and each little tidbit gave me south
I've heard so many people quote A Course In Miracles similar the Bible, I got curious about it. But when I got information technology from the library, it weight well-nigh 10 pounds and said it was a project for a year. I had checked information technology out for two weeks. Seemed hopeless, so I returned it.When I saw this volume, it sounded perfect. And it was. It'southward a book that y'all can read one tiny section at a fourth dimension if you want to. (Non all books work for that.) I read a section or two earlier bed each night, and each little tidbit gave me such a feeling of honey and peace. At present I'm considering reading the actual volume—only it feels expert to know I don't have to. (And if I practice, definitely on Kindle. No way I'm hauling the heavy newspaper ane effectually!)
I feel similar this the kind of volume that you lot tin can read over and over, and every time, it will have the perfect timely perspective that was exactly what y'all needed at that moment. Dear it.
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When the globe does non empathize, accept, or support you, you do not walk alone. And if yous should lose faith in yourself, God still has religion in yous.
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We are each an expression of God, a holy idea breathed into beingness. We are the divine falling in love with itself.
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Your purpose on Earth goes far beyond satisfying critics or proving yourself according to standards others gear up for you. Your purpose is to recognize the greatness within you and evangelize information technology.
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The Chinese philosopher Chuang Tzu said, "The sage dwells among those things that tin can never exist lost, and then he lives forever."
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Honey waits on welcome, non on fourth dimension, and the existent world is merely your welcome of what e'er was. Therefore the telephone call of joy is in information technology, and your glad response is your enkindling to what you have not lost.
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ACIM tells u.s.a. that the only correct expectation of the future is one of limitless good.
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Inner peace is your strongest platform to create global transformation. Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mother Teresa never made evil their enemy. They didn't fight people. Instead, they made a stand for kindness and equality, and subsequently advanced society in means that angry people could never achieve.
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The Course tells us that any disease and any hurting, physical or emotional, is our way of holding someone else guilty for hurting u.s.a..
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Starting time, recognize that no person, group, state of affairs, or status has the ability to have away your happiness. No one. No thing. Never.
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For yous was peace created, given you by its Creator, and established as His Own eternal gift. How can you fail, when yous but ask for what He wills for yous?
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Your new statement is "Behold me, blood brother, at your mitt I live." Instead of blaming people you lot believe have injure you, give them credit for helping you lot.
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Offset, acknowledge things about them that yous genuinely appreciate.
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Now here's the 2d devil-transformer. Consider: How has this person helped y'all to grow?
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You accept a soul contract with your adversary to help you advance spiritually. He is your dear friend who has agreed to vesture the costume of enemy to motivate you to repossess your power.
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Your partner is not the screen onto which you project your unmet needs and upsets, but instead a cherished companion whom you enfold with always-deeper appreciation.
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Yous are non simply two people coming together to offset each other'southward emptiness. You are God discovering yourself through your beloved.
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The need that a partner stick with a certain form is a sure sign of a special relationship.
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Distress in a relationship is a sign that specialness has intruded on honey. Such a moment offers you lot a golden opportunity to heal your mind and centre by making a new option.
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Hither are some specific tips on how to transform special relationships into holy ones: ane. Recognize how much the special dearest or special hate relationship is costing you.
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2. Shift your vision.
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To heal your relationship, seek, observe, and focus on aspects that back up a version of the partner you prefer.
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The Spiritual Eye, by contrast, sees money equally a vehicle to express love. Coin blesses you when you receive it, and it blesses you and the recipient when you lot give it. It is life-giving. Fright, not money, is the root of all evil.
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3. Establish your awareness in the at present.
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iv. Seek to join rather than separate.
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5. Invite College Power into your human relationship.
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Special relationships, challenging as they can be, provide the most fertile ground for transformation. When yous turn a special relationship into a holy human relationship, yous take done the piece of work of a lifetime.
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human relationship into a holy human relationship, you lot have done the work of a lifetime.
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The simply question worth asking about whatever act is, "Does this bring more joy into the earth, or does information technology diminish joy in the world?" Here you have the simplest yet the most effective guide to all life choices.
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your primary responsibility equally a miracle worker is to allow your mind to be healed
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When you reject to be a pawn of fear, you lot reduce the ability of insane illusions to run your life and contaminate the lives of others.
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Hither is a formula for relief from pain that sounds simplistic, but is utterly profound: Terminate doing what hurts you and get-go doing what heals yous. It is only because y'all accept—fifty-fifty revere—suffering that it persists.
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Pain is a result of denial or resistance to your natural self. When you live from your divine nature, suffering volition autumn abroad.
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The bulletin of the crucifixion is perfectly clear: Teach only honey, for that is what you are.
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"Sickness is a defence against the truth"
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All the
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authority you will always need is seeded within your soul. Look at that place and nowhere else.
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Yet all methods are believable because people believe in them. Every method works for someone. The method does not bestow the healing. The belief does.
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Jesus was more than interested in bringing the human being relief than in waiting for him to accept perfect faith. Acting on partial faith leads to perfect faith. Partial religion is perfect in the sense that your belief is whole in the moment you mobilize information technology.
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If you cannot claim perfect faith, claim perfect dearest. Belief in love is the most effective religion, because God is love. When you dearest sincerely, the power of the entire universe is behind you lot.
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Faith in outer sources yields temporary success, but organized religion in our inner Source yields permanent success.
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The fright-based mind seeks power from the world, while the dear-based heed brings ability to the globe. When y'all accept your inherent majesty rather than attributing unmerited power to external agents, you volition perform miracles that cannot be explained in any terms the globe understands.
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"Am I now closer to peace?" If and so, your seeking has been worthwhile. If not, you must reevaluate where and how you are looking. The ego'south motto is "Seek and do not notice" (T-12.4.1:4). Information technology denies the reality of love and regards healing every bit a threat. Any respond is acceptable to the ego equally long as it does not work. Is there some other place to look that will stop searching rather than reinforce it?
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If you are hellbent on letting the ego run the show, you will endeavour a multitude of solutions that don't work, resort to creature force, and find endless reasons to justify your limits. But if you value peace more than airs and success more than
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than struggle, you will turn to College Power for help and be open to receive it. And information technology will come up.
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"Delight show me" is ane of the near powerful prayers you can speak. Simply you must be open to Spirit's guidance rather than telling God how to run the testify.
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Better withal, turn to the Holy Spirit before you fall off the transport. You can avoid painful trials and errors by inviting Spirit to guide you at the outset of your conclusion-making process. Your impeccable guide will make decisions for you in ways far more rewarding than you tin can make for yourself.
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When faced with whatsoever decision, imagine that you know already. Your task is not to roam the earth seeking someone smarter than you to tell yous what to do. Your task is to dive into your centre and call up what you know.
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You tin discern betwixt the advice of the Holy Spirit and that of the ego past noticing the feeling or free energy the voice or advice generates. Spirit is founded in love. The ego operates from fear. Love feels good, low-cal, and peaceful and brings relief. Fear feels bad, heavy, and limiting and deepens distress.
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When you take learned how to decide with God, all decisions become every bit easy and as right as breathing. There is no endeavour, and you will be led as gently as if you lot were beingness carried down a placidity path in summer.
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If you burn with the fire of purpose, y'all volition recognize yourself to be greater than whatever challenge that confronts you and y'all volition be specifically
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directed to the path about in harmony with your calling.
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Higher Power will provide the ways and means to achieve your goal without any stress on your function. Work may be required. Fear never is.

I quite enjoyed some of the shorter, end chapters of the book, related to ego distractions, health, 'the end of the world', etc. I also liked the writer's use of quick 1-page notes on some of the FAQs that ACIM students have.
On the other hand, for some reason, pos Overall, this book seems to exist a practiced, easy read equally an introduction and basic overview of A Class in Miracles. It presents some of the more radical ideas in ACIM in an easy to sympathise format, with personal stories from the author.
I quite enjoyed some of the shorter, end chapters of the book, related to ego distractions, health, 'the cease of the globe', etc. I too liked the author's employ of quick one-folio notes on some of the FAQs that ACIM students accept.
On the other hand, for some reason, possibly the writing style, or perhaps the 'motivationa'/self-assistance spin on things, I establish the book laborious to go through, despite its brusque length. At that place's a good corporeality of clique situations and stories thrown in, and I somehow get the feeling that the author'southward motivational coaching/self-help background comes through in places. No large deal, just just non my mode of reading. I felt that some of the more profound ideas in ACIM, such equally forgiveness, the holy instant, the dynamics of the ego & guilt, and working with the HS, were probably glossed over. The author really does motivate people to actually study ACIM (and do the workbook), merely on the other manus, in that location will probably be the temptation for some readers to walk away from this book thinking 'OK, I got it all now.. no demand to actually complete ACIM.. especially since this is all that it says'.
This would exist a huge fault, and taking the ego's bait (and switch).
Read this summary by all means, but do complete the Course besides.. at that place'due south a lot more than to it than inside this 'Made Simple' introduction.
Nonetheless, kudos to the author (who seems committed) for writing this book that seems to have helped a proficient corporeality of ACIM students empathize a fiddling more than, a little better.

ACIM teaches that there is no sin. Sin is simply perceived and created in our ain minds. That if and when we do sin against others, that nosotros really actually didn't sin against them. And, no forgiveness is needed.
ACIM teaches that we are God, that when we hear the voice of God nosotros are actually hearing from ourselves.
ACIM teaches that in that location is no "savior" outside of ourselves, thus making Jesus null and void.
ACIM teaches that the globe around us is only an illusion. That nosotros accept the power to create our ain world each day. We are in control.
I can proceed. Merely, I found much of ACIM to exist a smorgasbord of spiritual soup. A mixture of Christian ideas, New Age thoughts, and with a tablespoon of psychology thrown in. While I don't have a problem with these things, it merely isn't for me.
...more than
There were so many quotes in this book that I loved. Hither's one of my favorites:
"Y'all thought yous were here to get stuff, prove yourself, and find people to honey you. Instead yous are here to go peace, be yourself, and find people to love. You idea y'all were here to fix the globe. Instead you are here to appreciate what is before you lot and encounter the globe through new eyes. You lot idea yous were hither to teach, while you are here to larn. Ultimately teaching and learning
are i. You cannot teach without learning and you cannot learn without teaching. When you teach but love, you acquire only dear. Then you graduate from the school of illusion and take the diploma of inner peace, the real degree we are all here to reach."

When I first tried reading ACIM years ago, I constitute it difficult to understand. This book translates the information into a level I can blot.

You accept a identify in the globe that will bring healing to y'all and others.
Special relationships - challenging as they tin can exist - provide the fertile ground for transformation.
When yous turn a special relationship into a holy relationship, you have done the work of a lifetime.
The holiest place on world is where an ancient hatred becomes a present love.
Release the imprisoned splendor
Kindness is a marking of spiritual maturity
We are not here to fix the globe, but to appreciate what is befo
RelationshipsYou take a place in the world that will bring healing to you and others.
Special relationships - challenging as they can be - provide the fertile basis for transformation.
The holiest place on earth is where an aboriginal hatred becomes a present honey.
Release the imprisoned splendor
Kindness is a marker of spiritual maturity
Nosotros are not here to fix the earth, simply to appreciate what is before us
Nosotros do non walk alonev (I will never leave you comfortless, your source has not abandoned you, peace is given the moment y'all enquire for it.)
The goal is full freedom
The thought that we are in a torso, denies us to understand that nosotros are a spirit
The message of ACIM: Love is everywhere, as a being of love, then are we. When nosotros look well-nigh us, and all that we encounter is sky, then the course will have done its job. We will exist released to be light.
All that is dearest, is for us to exist ourselves.
1. But god is real
2. All separation is illusion
iii. We are an extension and expression of god. Everything god is, we are. Everything god is not, we are not. God is love, and only dear and and then are we.
4. Every thought we think, discussion we speak and action we take represents our pick between dear and fright - choose love.
v. The purpose of the trunk is to communicate love - all other purposes of the torso are in vain. Use your body to smooth spirit into the world and it will be happy and healthy.
6. The ego is an extremely express idea of who nosotros are. Information technology is non equipped to guide united states of america and should not exist consulted to make choices to bring us peace.
7. The holy spirit is the function of the heed continued with truth. Consult it to make wise choices and you lot will thrive.
8. Beyond the credible world is the real globe, where everything you desire and deserve exists. You lot can footstep into the real world at any moment by remembering your identity every bit a spiritual existence.
nine. There is no sin, there are only errors in consciousness. You are already forgiven. All that yous believe must come of your sins will never happen
10. The purpose of all relationships is to make you happy. Appreciate and celebrate everyone for they are lovable as you are.
11. People who act unkindly, are calling for honey. Evil has no power. Because it does not come from god. Love is the simply power.
12. In that location is nothing you demand to do, to earn salvation, you are worthy for what you lot are. You are already saved, yous simply demand to know information technology.
xiii. The univers is brimming with affluence, you have everything y'all demand, right where you sand. You lot volition always take all that you lot need.
xiv. Your only purpose on earth is to brand it more like heaven.
fifteen. Worry less and laugh more.
xvi. There is no death. You are an eternal existence. Bodies come and go. But spirits is forever.

I have picked up ACIM in bookshops a number of times, flicked through its pages and so put information technology dorsum on the shelf. Funnily enough, this book picks up on all the points that put me off. The weight of the paper, the difficult to follow prose and the length.
What this volume does is give an introduction and indeed a summarised over view of all the key points of ACIM. And information technology does it brilliantly. It makes the point that ACIM works at a heart and soul level, not an intellectual level. Therefore it doesn
Wow!I take picked upwardly ACIM in bookshops a number of times, flicked through its pages and then put it dorsum on the shelf. Funnily enough, this book picks up on all the points that put me off. The weight of the paper, the hard to follow prose and the length.
What this volume does is give an introduction and indeed a summarised over view of all the key points of ACIM. And it does it brilliantly. It makes the point that ACIM works at a heart and soul level, not an intellectual level. Therefore information technology doesn't really matter if you don't "empathize" it as such because reading information technology and doing the exercises will heal and nourish at a far deeper level that is beyond intellect. The idea that this tin can be impactful at a more powerful level Than the intellect might sound preposterous. Yet, I know for other course if I have, this is oft the near important way to "larn" because it works at a deeper level than ego.
The brilliance of this book is that even having never read ACIM, it'south power is already impacting me only by reading this book. It has given the me the inspiration to buy and work through the ACIM and sympathize that along the way, it might non all make sense but to trust it Volition be deeply impactful. Even if you don't follow on to practice ACIM, you should find that this volition event in a shift as it has for me. This last week has had me glued to the book and I have made a few tens of minutes a 24-hour interval to read information technology. To say this week has been transformational for me is a complete understatement. Thank you Mr Cohen for writing this. I feel securely grateful to you for doing and then!
...more than

I could not be happier to have listened to this on audio, especially during a time when listening to someone 'give' the form really made a departure to my assimilation of the content. It gav
I bought the unabridged version in paperback, and couldn't wait for it to arrive. When I saw that there was a summary version on audio, I thought it would be a nifty opportunity to begin to understand the content, especially every bit I have always thought the unabridged version could be a daunting, hard read.I could not exist happier to have listened to this on audio, particularly during a fourth dimension when listening to someone 'requite' the class really made a difference to my absorption of the content. Information technology gave me and then much more.
I don't know whether I'll read the entire version front end to back, but the pressure level has eased to grasp every unmarried line now that I feel comfortable with its ideas. I am actually even more than excited for the reading experience and exercises, because it will just be a re-examining of what I've already dipped my toes into.

I had a difficult time reading some of the author's unresearched opinions nearly other religions, especially Mormonism. I fear he had a bad experience with that faith and this is why he paints it in such a harsh light.
It besides seemed to me that the writer'due south ego was e'er present, which wouldn't be as big of a deal if the book was non abo
This volume has some really rich messages. I needed to take my fourth dimension to assimilate a more than metaphysical approach to life, time, Spirit and love. I'thousand glad I read the book.I had a difficult time reading some of the author's unresearched opinions almost other religions, especially Mormonism. I fear he had a bad experience with that faith and this is why he paints information technology in such a harsh lite.
It as well seemed to me that the writer'south ego was e'er present, which wouldn't exist as large of a bargain if the volume was non about eliminating ego and focusing on dear.
I'm intrigued and felt this book offered a lot of powerful truths and perspectives, which I will exist pursuing farther.
"Nothing real can be threatened,
Nothing unreal exists,
Herein lies the peace of God"
"ACIM states that you will be appalled when you realize what y'all are truly hither for (T-17.V.5:half dozen). You idea yous were here to get stuff, prove yourself, and find people to love you. Instead y'all are here get peace, exist yourself, and notice people to honey. You idea you were here to ready the earth. Instead you are here t
Paradigm Shift...Cheers for this ACIM cliff notes - I volition come dorsum to this for years to come!"Nothing real can exist threatened,
Nothing unreal exists,
Herein lies the peace of God"
"ACIM states that you lot volition be appalled when you realize what yous are truly here for (T-17.5.five:6). You thought you lot were here to get stuff, prove yourself, and find people to love you lot. Instead you are hither get peace, be yourself, and find people to beloved. You idea y'all were here to gear up the world. Instead you are here to appreciate what is before you and run into the earth through new eyes."
...more than

Extract: When near people say "Become existent," they mean Get pocket-sized. Get limited. Get stuck. I am trapped in my trivial fear-jump globe, and your expansive vision is threatening to me. And then I need that you grovel in the mud with me. How cartel you lot stone my tiny world with greater possibilities!
This book puts the study of a Course in Miracles in piece of cake to empathise, practical application terms. If you're curious about this discipline, this is a keen book to quick understanding.Extract: When most people say "Get real," they mean Get small. Get limited. Go stuck. I am trapped in my little fearfulness-bound world, and your expansive vision is threatening to me. So I demand that you lot grovel in the mud with me. How dare you stone my tiny world with greater possibilities!
...more than
Afterwards having a copy of ACIM for well over 20 years and existence unable to read it, Alan Cohen"s book finally made sense of it for me - and gave me "permission" to disregard the (overly Christian) language which had put me off it for and then long.
This volume does indeed make the concepts of ACIM seem easier to understand, and has given me the kick I needed to start studying it in earnest.

I like the consistency In his message with Marianne Williamson I almost forgot I was reading his words and non hers
To me - that'southward an indicator of the message of the ACIM text and the purity of those who can share the message of the text
This book aid shift my perspective and gave me renewed promise! Definitely would recommend

This book is 1 that I volition definitely revisit/reread again and again to remind myself of how to lead a fundamentally joyous and fulfilling life.

I have heard others rave about this Course for many years, merely never had the time , I idea. This compact version gripped me from Folio one and I finished information technology in a few days. It came into my life at a terrific fourth dimension and I feel as if I have been a follower for the concluding 20 years. That was when a Near- Death Experience took me through Hell and eventually to Sky. I'll go on to read this book over and over equally a daily meditation. A Bulletin meant for anybody.
The Gift of a LifetimeI have heard others rave most this Course for many years, merely never had the time , I thought. This meaty version gripped me from Page 1 and I finished information technology in a few days. Information technology came into my life at a terrific time and I experience every bit if I have been a follower for the concluding 20 years. That was when a Near- Death Experience took me through Hell and eventually to Heaven. I'll go along to read this book over and over every bit a daily meditation. A Message meant for everyone.
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