When Can U Kiss Again After Mono
Mono tin last for a few weeks or several months and spreads mostly through saliva. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the main crusade of mono.
Mono is short for mononucleosis. People sometimes refer to mono as glandular fever.
Here we hash out how long mono is contagious, its symptoms, and how it usually spreads.

It is still unclear exactly how long mono infections can remain contagious subsequently symptoms end.
On average, most people with mono are contagious for around 6 months. In some cases, it could be contagious for upward to xviii months.
During this time frame, anyone with mono can laissez passer the infection on to others.
Mono is
People who take antiviral medication to care for mono may recover quicker, but the evidence is not conclusive. More research is necessary to examine this treatment and whether it affects how contagious the virus is.
The virus may reactivate in anyone who has EBV in their torso. This means that the virus becomes contagious again.
Some people will have no symptoms when the virus reactivates. In people with weakened allowed systems, yet, reactivation may cause some symptoms.
Genetics could besides play a role in EBV infection, immunity, and the potential effects of the virus. Even so, this surface area requires
The symptoms of mono vary for each person. Some people only have mild symptoms. Others experience very ill and may notice it difficult to continue with daily activities.
Symptoms of mono include:
- fatigue
- sore throat
- fever
- headache
- aching body
- swollen lymph nodes, in the armpit and neck
- rashes
- jaundice, which is a yellowing of the peel
- tum pain
- loss of ambition
People may notice symptoms
The duration of symptoms varies for everyone. Most people volition recover in
People can transmit EBV to others through saliva. This means that EBV tin can spread through kissing or sharing items such equally cutlery and toothbrushes.
The virus tin spread through other bodily fluids. For example, it may spread through:
- contact with blood
- semen or vaginal fluids during sexual activity
- blood transfusions
- organ transplants
Information technology is difficult to prevent the spread of EBV. Many people deport the virus without symptoms and laissez passer information technology on to others.
Even so, there are steps people can take to assistance forbid transmitting or contracting mono.
People with mono should avoid kissing others while the virus is active. They should also avoid sharing anything that touches their mouth, including:
- eating utensils
- lipstick or chapstick
- toothbrushes
- drinking spectacles
- cigarettes
- inhalers
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help the body to fight off viruses. Good nutrition, quality sleep, and regular do are all good ways to stay salubrious.
Additionally, regular and thorough hand washing is one of the best ways to terminate viruses from spreading.
Covering the mouth when cough and sneezing and throwing away tissues straight later use can also help reduce the spread of viruses.
In that location is currently no cure for EBV viruses.
Afterwards becoming infected with EBV, the virus tin be inactive in the body. Information technology does non cause any symptoms while information technology is inactive.
In one case a person has had mono, it is unlikely that they volition develop mono once again.
Treatments for mono focus on relieving symptoms. Some home remedies that may assist include:
- getting plenty residual
- drinking plenty of fluids
- taking over-the-counter (OTC) pain relief
- taking OTC decongestant medications
- avoiding alcohol
For severe cases of mono, a doctor may prescribe further treatment. For example, they may use corticosteroids to reduce swelling in the throat or tonsils.
People can return to school, college, or work once they are feeling better, and their doc approves.
Some people may still feel tired for
Mono can crusade an enlarged spleen. People who experience an enlarged spleen from mono should avoid contact sports or heavy lifting. This care volition help to preclude the spleen from rupturing.
It is best to see a physician for any signs of mono. Doctors will usually diagnose mono by assessing symptoms and looking at medical history. They might also crave some blood tests.
People should run into a doctor if symptoms brainstorm to worsen, or new symptoms occur during treatment.
They should seek immediate medical attention for any of the following symptoms:
- astringent and persistent hurting in the left belly or lower chest
- feelings of weakness
- lightheadedness or dizziness
Mono causes symptoms such as fatigue, sore throat, and body aches. Most people volition recover from these symptoms within a few weeks. Only the virus is yet contagious for several months subsequently symptoms go.
People with mono tin prevent the virus from spreading by avoiding kissing or the sharing objects that touch the mouth, such every bit a toothbrush.
Most people only have mono once, only the virus will remain inactive in their bodies. Some people might have mono multiple times.
Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-long-is-mono-contagious
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