If You Cant Describe What You Are Doing as a Process

"To reach transformational modify in our industry, people, planning, procurement, and project delivery must be fully integrated."

A robust process is the cardinal to attaining significant value add.

 We can testify you how to create a clear path to consistent quality, on-time, on-upkeep project delivery, while reducing costs thirty%, xl%, or even 50% in as little as 90 days.

Effectively managing your facilities to support your organization's mission requires the ability to define scope and price, procure services, and so execute projects in a consistently reliable manner.

But actually... don't take our discussion for it….Organizations take been wasting millions of dollars for decades due to the inefficiencies of traditional construction projection commitment methods. According to the KcKinsey Global Found On average 80%+ of all projects are late, over-upkeep, and have left a trail of unhappy people.  Construction productivity has been apartment for decades.

Savvy facilities owners are now in position to repossess this waste through their process orientation.

Working with our client the Canton of Ventura General Services Administration, nosotros were able to increase their repair and renovation output by 3x and reduce their administration costs by 75%.

The County of Ventura GSA had implemented Chore Club Contracting years ago merely was having problem getting projects scoped, procured, and completed.  The level of back up and service needed by internal staff proved to exist a burden, nevertheless, boosted support from the current JOC vendor was unavailable or viewed equally too costly. The problem was that the County needed to support its multiple client departments, merely it could non cost-finer meet their demands.

The County took the fourth dimension and effort to identify an alternative solution that directly translated to a college performing facilities repair, renovation capability for the County and its client department and agencies at a 75% cost savings. We helped them implement a customized solution and repeatable processes to realize current and capture futurity benefits.

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What we hope you take away from this is that we gave them a roadmap, a plan, a suite of tools, and we delivered on it. We addressed their facilities support needs and implemented a sustainable solution.

As a public sector facilities management professional person, we know your days are equally endless as the list of repairs, renos, and new builds, merely what you really care about is only 2 things…#1. Ensuring organizational purchase-in and adoption of your strategy, and

#ii. Delivering on a programme to efficiently sustain your facilities requirements.

With the ever-increasing demand to "do more with less" it'southward no surprise that savvy Facility Managers now demand solutions, non applied science or "consulting services".

Using your ability to pivot from a manually intensive, primitive, inefficient methods to a technology supported robust process will increase value exponentially.

The take a chance of modify is high, and technology lone won't be a fix.

Look, we get it. BIM, CAFM, CMMS, ERP, pick form any of this "alphabet soup" of technologies. Not one has significantly improved construction outcomes. …and there is the well-kept secret… No applied science is going to deliver a solution for your arrangement…software is only useful if it is based upon a robust process and data is of sufficient quality, clear, and authentic. No software or consultant can solve your bug… without your team doing the work.

The problems remain the same, all the project participants are operating in silos, duplicating information, or worse withal using out of data data, data that can't be used past others, or data that is just plain wrong.  The side by side effect is that building users, your customer, are really aroused with the result.

This is an opportunity to do something unlike.

Your most value asset is your people and your partners… empower them to solve the problems themselves.

Well-nigh facilities management teams practice non get adequate back up from senior leadership. Senior leadership may sponsor key initiatives, but the devil is in the details. Unless a feasible solution is selected and everything is implemented in the right sequence, at the right level of item, you lot know what will happen.

And so who am I… My name is Mark Powell, Co-Founder and President. My co-founders and I have supported the implementation of facilities repair, renovation, and new build solutions for organizations of all sizes….

Why we started 4BT...

-       We saw then many facilities initiatives fail…. Design-bid-build, design-build, and current task order contracting solutions.

-       Nosotros were convinced there was a amend way

The pieces were there but not in way that facilities owners could truly do good. Then nosotros focused upon enabling clients to build knowledge and implement robust processes themselves, developed reliable locally researched cost data, and our clients began to transform their organizations,

People are always resistant to alter, simply we focused upon our clients' problems, and delivered actionable solutions.  And guess what happened? The litany of excuses… I tin can't, I don't know how, also expensive, don't take the time… began to evaporate.. clients became engaged in the process.

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Over the past few years we take adult some groovy customers and partners, and it has been a pleasure to work with them all.

So, now that we accept walked through how nosotros can help yous, I really just desire to evidence yous how to create a clear path to consistent quality, on-fourth dimension, on-upkeep project delivery, while reducing costs 30%-fifty% in ninety days.

It is actually just a 4-pace process to consistent quality, on-fourth dimension, on-budget project commitment, while reducing costs 30%-50% in 90 days.

#1 Focus on a robust procedure beginning and create a common piece of work environment.

#two Clinch every Scope of Piece of work (SOW) is detailed and presented in a way that anybody can understand.

#3 Plan and procure your facilities repair, renovation, and new build Program to support your needs, capture and grow organizational knowledge to achieve maximum value at the lowest administration price.

#4 Consider a Cooperative if your almanac repair, renovation construction upkeep is less than $2M-$3M.

Step 1 - Focus on a robust process first and create a common work surroundings.

Far as well ofttimes, organizations focus upon applied science every bit a solution. Well, recall that well-kept cloak-and-dagger regarding FM Engineering science. No technology is going to deliver a solution for your organization. Software is only useful if it is based upon a robust process and data is of sufficient quality, clear, and authentic.

No software or consultant can solve your problems… without your team doing the work.

Your most value asset is your people and your squad of service partners… empower them to solve the issues themselves.

Your organization'due south facilities management and procurement professionals and your suite of service providers…architects, engineers, and contractors… all need to be on the same folio.

Look, we go it. The risk of change is high, and technology lone won't be a fix.

The problems remain the same regardless of the technology, all the project participants are operating in silos, duplicating information, or worse yet using out of data data, information that can't be used by others, or data that is just plain wrong.

If you focus upon technology alone, edifice users, your customers, will once once more be actually angry with the result and you will merely waste product more than of your resources.

This is an opportunity to exercise something dissimilar.

While each repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build has its own requirements, they unfortunately have been managed by archaic, 'advertizing hoc', and unsustainable practices.  All of these processes supported by various technologies.

Each projection was procured as its ain unique activity, unnecessarily duplicating efforts, and without a well-defined, reliable, or verifiable set of phases, milestones, or data requirements.

When you wanted to schedule a renovation projection y'all would have to create a telescopic of piece of work, advertise for bids, review the bids, award a contractor, and try to bring the contractor upwards to speed on your buildings and work environment.  This process would take months, many times nearly a year. The results would be plush in delays, duplicative efforts, and numerous change orders.

The proven road to measurable improve to follow a robust cadre workflow for EVERY project. Sure, each projection has its unique requirements, but following a common workflow assure every squad fellow member knows what to practise, where, when, and how much information technology will cost.

This process is detailed and written in an Operations Manual / Execution Guide, equally a part of a long-term multi-party agreement. All documents, forms, schedules, approvals, and information requirements are consistent, and communicated in real-time through an enabling collaborative engineering. The role of technology in this instance is simply to embed the process and clinch consistency, monitoring, and the highest possible productivity.

You work with our teams to customize the workflow and associated requirements, documentation, and metrics to your organization. This whole process from start to end, can be achieved in thirty (30) days.

A consistent way of approaching each project that drives all-time value outcomes for anybody, with a proven track record of ninety%+ of all projects and work orders executed in a quality manner, on-fourth dimension, and on-budget!   The process provides full technical and cost visibility and transparency and is fully auditable and compliant.

Using a consequent, robust process allows you lot to create a reliable program that enables owners and their services providers to consistently reach all-time value outcomes for anybody.

National survey information, instance studies, and our clients have implemented a programmatic approach and achieved significant improvements in their construction related facilities direction activities throughout all phases of planning, procurement, and construction.


Q: Does setting up a workflow for my organization take a great deal of customization and endeavour?

A: No. The primary phases of the workflow have been proven and are already developed. Customization largely comes in the course of the specific dominance and other documents associated with proposal/bid packages, approval notices, authorizations, etc.  Focus on a robust procedure get-go and create a mutual piece of work environs.

Q: Are there various ways to found a common structure planning, procurement, and project delivery environment.

A: Yes. Research the market and clinch what every arroyo you take will have a financial benefit. Develop a direct link between you new procedure initiative and the cost benefits. Far also often organizations select a technology, consultant, or a solution without developing a cost benefit analysis for the activity. What happens when organizations do this is that they miss a huge opportunity do get major benefits from the low hanging fruit. Processes get adopted that don't solve real bug, and overall costs actually increase, with recurring costs that don't add real value.

The market pressures from big technology vendors and consulting companies are stiff, so allocate the time upwardly front for planning to avoid the wrong decision and recurring sunk costs.

Establishing quantitative goals based upon return on investment is the only way to drive measurable, lasting benefits. So, avert failure by overinvesting in planning.

Stride 2 - Clinch every Telescopic of Work (SOW) is detailed and presented in a fashion that everyone can understand.

For many projects, an owner writes upwardly a scope of work without designer or contractor input. Formats and the level of detail are all over identify. Generally, in that location is little detailed information with sufficient requirements or about actual site conditions, how and what needs to be washed for demolition or otherwise getting the site ready for mobilization and construction execution. Costing the activity is little more than an educated guess.

As a result the scope of work is poorly defined and poorly communicated. Errors and omissions and change orders are numerous and increased project costs and uncertain project completion times are the norm. In the terminate, 9 times out of 10, the owner, building users, the designer, and the builder are unhappy.

With a repeatable process in place, the owners and the service providers see on-site and share information about the work to exist done. In this way, the possessor tin can develop and communicate a detailed scope of work that is sufficient for the builder to create a detailed line-item description of the required work and the cost of each task. Costs and requirements are no longer a shot in dark. The tasks and cost data are derived from a locally researched detailed unit price book (UPB), to which both parties have previously accepted. The UPB describes what is required in terms of an activeness all labor, materials, and equipment for the task itemized individually.

The detailed scope of piece of work now clearly communicates the project in a way at that place everyone understands. This process results in fewer errors and omissions, reduced modify orders, faster project delivery, and lower costs! All parties fully understand and agree upon the desired upshot, the cost, and the schedule.

Using a common data environment, including a locally researched unit price book, and sharing detailed information in an early and ongoing basis greatly improves the detail and communication of every project'due south Scope of Work, squad collaboration, and overall outcomes.

Do not Take our Word for it Though…

Research studies and case studies accept clearly highlighted the predominant causes of structure project failure and the benefits of improving team collaboration on an early and ongoing basis.

Q. Can I employ a national average cost data, or historical data for my UPB?

A. No. Even with the use of structure price indexes (CCIs) or area cost factors, national average price information introduces gross errors in the cost gauge. This is largely due to meaning variation in local individual merchandise labor rates and fringes. As labor accounts for 50%-60% of every project, getting labor cost wrong has disastrous consequences. Similarly, historical data just represents prior costs, which are probable not representative of the current market or what a project could have been completed for.

Pace 3 - Cull the near advisable arroyo to back up your organization's needs, capture and grow organizational knowledge, in order to achieve maximum value at the everyman administration price.  Job order contracting (JOC) is one of the almost well-known methods to back up facilities repair, renovation, and new builds.

In the past, you lot might accept signed upward with a JOC services "consultant" and pay a percentage of your total JOC annual construction book. Based on the services you select; this arroyo will cost your firm 2% to over viii% of construction volume. This can easily accomplish millions of dollars for larger JOC Programs, but for administering the programme.

You pay 2x to 10x more than necessary to implement a JOC Program. The "JOC Consultant" gets in the heart, and in the process ends up fostering the erstwhile adversarial relationships associated with design-bid-build. You and your teams remain at arm'southward length from the awarded JOC contractors. As a result, your team fails to develop leadership and other core JOC benefits. Your staff just falls into the quondam manner of doing things, but with a dissimilar environment. Comeback in knowledge and end issue is limited at all-time. Furthermore, oversight is compromised and typically results are poor. JOC Program benefits neglect to justify the costs, and you lot and your facilities management team are left to choice up the pieces.

You focus on your People and Process first.

How people interact throughout the planning, procurement, and building phase of a project determines the level of shared data, the level of trust.  How you build your people and processes determines whether everyone volition piece of work together and look for solutions, or whether everyone will be out for their own personal gain, just like ever. Developing behaviors and leadership capabilities are required to obtain the total benefits of JOC. Equally you and your team learn these core JOC fundamentals, it is then simply a matter of procuring the software, toll data, and services you need to back up your arrangement and assure each member of your team is trained at the appropriate level, from a basic introduction to JOC to avant-garde levels. You, your teams, and y'all JOC Program will excel!

The cost for all tools and services is 3x to 10x less than paying a percentage fee and your organisation and your awarded service providers build and retain critical competencies, develop long-term productive relationship, and bulldoze continuous improvement

Do not Take our Word for it Though…

Multiple audits of JOC Programs have been conducted by independent third-political party agencies. A review of these audits clearly highlights what tin happen if owner teams do not learn fundamental JOC principles and directly appoint in proven JOC processes.  This link volition directly y'all to a sampling of these JOC Program audits.

Public sector organizations tin improve the results of their facilities repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build activities by spending more fourth dimension openly learning and communicating the core principles of Job Club Contracting.

The core benefit, and difference in our approach is treating everyone involved as "equal partners" in the procedure, which in turn greatly increases internal cognition and greatly enhances JOC Programme success.

During this process, it is important to gain direction support and agreement.Both are critical. This is true for all participants internal to the arrangement… facilities management professionals, procurement, project management, and your construction services providers.

JOC is a fundamental change in how people work together on a 24-hour interval-to-day ground. It is important for anybody to exist straight involved, without the buffer of a "consultant", so that they can actually "feel information technology to empathise it and believe it."

Step 4 - Consider a Cooperative if your almanac construction budget is less than $2M-$3M, or as a way to acquire more virtually Job Club Contracting.

JOC Cooperatives began to add structure services to their list of "bolt", like paper, pencils, and computers, that public agencies tin purchase in bulk. Fees for these services range from two% to 8%+ of the construction value.

Construction is clearly not a commodity, and fees charged to the Owner, JOC Cooperative, or Contractors of more than 2% are extremely costly. Also, these fees clearly end up being paid by yous, the Owner.

JOC Cooperatives, however, tin can be very beneficial if properly designed and managed. They are great way for facilities owners to larn nigh JOC. Too, in situations where total JOC construction volume is less than $2M-$3M annually, a cooperative can be more economically feasible due practice inherent program prepare-upwardly costs. Cooperatives tin also exist used to supplement an existing in-house JOC program. Just every bit in establishing an in-business firm JOC Plan, inquiry diverse JOC Cooperatives to assure compliance with all applicable regulations, that information technology's pct fee to contractors is no more than 2% of project value, the cooperative is owned and managed by a government agency, and that every contractor proposal is independently audited every bit part of the plan.

Repair, renovation, maintenance, and new structure activities are not bolt. While JOC Cooperatives play a office, and not appropriate long-term solutions for all public sector owners, they are very beneficial when used properly.

Do not Take our Word for it Though…

Again, do your homework. Do your own research and check out what your peers say virtually JOC Cooperatives.

Q: Are all JOC Cooperatives the aforementioned?

A: No. Some JOC Cooperatives are owned or managed by for profit private corporations.  These may take different motivations than those managed directly for government agencies. Also, some cooperatives accuse owners or JOC contractors excessive fees, up to eight%+ of the projection construction volume. Look for a government bureau endemic and managed JOC with no fee to cooperative members and no more than 2% to JOC contractors. Also assure that every contractor proposal is independently audited, and that the UPBs involved are locally researched and regularly updated.

 Learn more.... contact u.s.a. and gear up up a time to talk.

Four BT, LLC - Your trusted information source for efficient construction planning, procurement, and project delivery.


Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-cant-describe-what-doing-process-dont-know-youre-doing-cholakis#:~:text=Edwards%20Deming-,If%20you%20can't%20describe%20what%20you%20are%20doing%20as,Edwards%20Deming

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