Swedish paper manufacturer offers novel and sustainable packaging solutions

The discussion commenced with the customary lighting of the traditional lamp followed by the countdown address by Naresh Khanna of IPPStar, who briefly spoke almost the need for sustainable packaging that reduces pressure on the environs and helps in cipher littering and landfill. He also spoke nigh the need to develop the nutrient supply chain as the single well-nigh important chemical element in sustainability and which can best capture the country'southward abundant solar energy. Thereafter, Johan Nelbeck and Patrick Bossander of BillerudKorsnas made technical presentations that revealed interesting details about the astonishing strength of the newspaper their visitor produces using sustainable and managed forestry and bio-based energy that meets about 97% of the company's current needs and which is planned to be increased to 100% in the coming years.
This was followed by a presentation by Sohail Mandhar of BNHS that probed the impact of development on the environment peculiarly flora and fauna and explained the role played past BNHS in research and preservation. Information technology was a gentle reminder from one of India's oldest and most renowned institutions in ecology studies and research that in that location is a lot that needs to be done to protect the surroundings peculiarly forest environmental. The packaging industry needs to take note of the fact that not-biodegradable plastic waste is endangering many species that may bring together the list of extinct creatures in the BNHS museum.
The next speaker, Deepak Manchanda, who is a packaging industry veteran and rationalist, spoke on the sad state of Bharat's urban environs and the alarming levels of danger posed by the huge piles of garbage across streets in almost every city, boondocks and village in the country. In this context Manchanda referred to his Open Letter to prime minister Narendra Modi (published in Packaging South asia) urging the government to consider action on packaging litter and sustainability as a key component of the government's Swachh Bharat campaign. The rising levels of littering in the streets and water logging of urban centres during the monsoon even 2 years after the launch of the Swachh Bharat entrada, calls for serious stock-taking by the authorities of India and its no-holds-barred propaganda well-nigh the 'successes' achieved in this mission.
The level of marvel among those nowadays was axiomatic from the number of questions raised well-nigh how Billerudkorsnas intends to aggrandize operations in Bharat. The senior executives from the Swedish company had their answers set – they explained that Billerudkorsnas has no such plans and their paper will come up from Sweden. Moreover, the trees needed for producing extra strong paper are by and large constitute in the far northern hemisphere most the Arctic circles in the Scandinavian countries and in Russian federation or Siberia. It was also pointed out that it is but with managed forests that a carbon sink can exist created. It is the cutting of trees and the renewal and regeneration of the forest by faster growing immature copse, that the maximum corporeality of carbon capture tin be achieved. A policy of not cutting trees cannot create a sustainably managed forest.
Paper supplied by Billerudkorsnas is used for a wide variety of packages
Overall, the roundtable give-and-take showed that in that location is 18-carat involvement in sustainable packaging amidst Indian manufacturers, packaging converters and government institutions peculiarly for novel solutions where safety and health in manufacturing such as construction and building are fundamental. Novel solutions for the nutrient and medical industry likewise demonstrated that the larger use of paper in packaging is a viable alternative to the apply of plastic packaging or can help in reducing plastic except where special barrier properties are required. The event was important in that it brought together stakeholders and institutions with leading make owners, converters and material suppliers in the packaging industry. Information technology is planned to continue to widen this discussion in the Delhi NCR in coming months. The IPPStar PackTech Packaging Design, Innovation and Applied science Conference will besides discuss the sustainability issues in Mumbai on sixteen and 17 December 2016.
Source: https://packagingsouthasia.com/events/sustainable-and-managed-forestry-yields-strong-paper-with-unique-properties/
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